● BMCC fashion show
U:RESIST at BMCC: BMCC fashion show titled: THIS IS ME LGBT and friends... (LGBT for Success Club @ BMCC) ( ☮ > ●๋●๋●๋ PEACE IS GREATER THAN BOMBs and LOVE IS GREATER THAN BOMBs ♥ > ●๋●๋●๋ ) | |
LGBT for Success Fashion Show: THIS IS ME with designs by U:RESIST in support of, and in solidarity with, the LGBT community. AFTER SHOW OUTTAKEs. ... YouTube Page
. http://uresist.com
Labels: BMCC, Citizen TV, community, equality, fashion show, gay rights, health, inequality ≠ equality, LGBT, LGBT and friends, love, peace, political t-shirts, resistance, solidarity, t-shirt, THIS IS ME